Best Forex Ea – A Forex Robot From A Legendary Trader Which Has Made Millions In Real Profits!

If you are looking for the best Forex robot or Forex EA, then the turtle trading Expert Advisor is one you should consider. The rules it uses were devised by a real legendary trader and it has a real track record which is verified, showing the rules made several hundred million dollars in real time trading. Let’s look at this Best Forex EA in more detail.

Most robots are simply not designed by traders – there designed by computer programmers, hired by marketing companies. They present track records of huge gains, with little or no draw down and the track records are NEVER verified by reputable neutral sources.

All you get are, simulations going backwards knowing all the closing prices well, anyone can make money doing this even a child or you get figures from the vendor themselves – with no outside check. I wouldn’t trust a track record presented by someone selling the system for obvious reasons – he makes money from selling it!

The Turtle Forex EA – from a Trader and a Real Time Track Record which is Verified

The developer of the rules the trading robot is based upon is trading legend Richard Dennis who devised the rules for a group of people who had never traded before to show anyone, with the right system could make money at trading. This experiment to prove anyone could make money a trading, if they had the right system is one of the most famous trading experiments of all time. The traders learned the rules and made several hundred million dollars with them and the rules work and always will.

These rules, are now available in robot form and come with a full explanation of the logic of how and why they work. If you want to trade a robot, you must be confident in the logic and when you read the logic the system is based upon, you will have the confidence to trade it for long term success.

The Turtle robot is the robot the pro traders are buying, there not interested in back tests or unrealistic claims, they want solid long term gains with a proven Forex trading system and if you are looking for this too – check out the Turtle trading Forex robot for yourself.